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Case Study: Blueberries

Case Study: Blueberries Blueberries The treated blueberry liner was given Bio-Enhanced Organic Product as a 1% foliar spray weekly. The treated plants produced a much better root mass. Support Plant Strength + Yield Treat for growth, dormancy and recovery! Yellow Squash READ CASE STUDY Blueberry READ CASE STUDY Eggplant READ CASE STUDY Cayenne Pepper READ […]

Case Study: Cayenne Peppers

Case Study: Cayenne Peppers Cayenne Pepers The treated field received 2 gallon per acre rate of Bio-Enhanced Organic Product , applied through drip irrigation, 3 weeks after planting. The treated row had a 20% increase in plant growth and fruit yield. Slide to see the  Carbol-Agro  difference ‘ data-next-icon=’‘ data-makeresponsive=”true” data-startingposition=”50%”> Support Plant Strength + Yield Treat for […]

Case Study: Eggplants

Case Study: Eggplants Eggplants The treated plant was given a 2 gallon per acre of Bio-Enhanced Organic Product as foliar spray, at time of planting, Eggplant beetles attacked the field, the treated row of plants suffered minimal damage. Slide to see the  Carbol-Agro  difference ‘ data-next-icon=’‘ data-makeresponsive=”true” data-startingposition=”24%”> Support Plant Strength + Yield Treat for growth, dormancy and […]

Case Study: Strawberries

Case Study: Strawberries Strawberries North Carolina The treated row of strawberry plants was treated at a rate of 2 gallons per acre of a Bio-Enhanced Organic Product as a foliar spray at time of planting and again 30 days later at the same rate. The treated row grew faster and produced more plants than the […]

Case Study: Yellow Squash

Case Study: Yellow Squash​ Yellow Squash​ The treated row of Yellow Squash, on the right, were treated with a 2 gallon per acre rate of Bio-Enhanced Organic Product at time of planting. The treated plants yielded fruit earlier than the non-treated and produced 15% more crop. Support Plant Strength + Yield Treat for growth, dormancy […]